Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ask A Question

If you are having any Doubt in C/C++, Any Question In Mind then feel free to ask here.
We will try our best to Answer your questions as soon as possible.

"Just Comment Your Question" 


  1. can you please suggest me some best standard books to have high level knowledge in c++

    1. I prefer "Programming In Ansi C By E Balagurusamy " the most
      Also "Computer Science With C++ Vol II By Sumita Arora"

      If you want some higher/ Advance Book than "Let Us C++ By Yashavant P. Kanetkar " is Very NICE

  2. dev c++ isperfectly workin on my windows8 64 bit
    but it doesn't recognize iostream.h what to do?

    1. Strange, It should be working properly.
      Well if it is having problem in loading ONLY then you should check the folder "INCLUDE" this folder contain all header files, there check weather or not there is a file name IOSTREAM.H
      It is possible that it may have got deleted or been renamed by mistake.
      If you cant find the file there then take it from any of your friend and paste it in INCLUDE folder. Most probably it will solve your problem
      if this is not the case, try some other c++ compiler. I am using "C++ by NewTron" for windows 8 64-bit

      Feel free to ask any other doubt

  3. In c++ The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, organized on the basis of their atomic numbers, electron configurations (electron shell model), and recurring chemical properties. Elements are presented in order of increasing atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus). The standard form of the table consists of a grid of elements laid out in 18 columns and 7 rows. The rows of the table are called periods; the columns are called groups.
    Your task is to develop a program by using which user can:
    View table
    Add new record
    Edit Record.
    Create a proper tabular view with the names and atomic numbers representation.
    User can search the elements according to the chemical names, atomic numbers.
    User can view the elements according to the periods and groups of his choice.

    1. I think you need this project
      I hope you like this project, do tell about us to your friends.

  4. can you tell me about hospital management?

    1. Yes, why not.
      In hospital management project, you are suppose to create database of patients who are coming to hospital for treatment.
      this database may include details like there 'name', 'age', 'symptoms', 'medical history' etc.
      to understand and study more reffer :

      I hope you find it helpful, feel free to ask any other quarry.

  5. can you tell me how to add a live rss feed into c++ ?

    1. Hi, Sorry to disappoint you, but c++ is not a good language to program in if you want to do networking, ALTHOUGH it is possible but codes will get very complicated, and will give problems at different operating system. I suggest you to go for JAVA, it is very nice if you want to do networking

  6. hiiii
    just now i saw your hospital management program.
    can you give me the flow chart for this. it is really wonderful.

    1. We are very happy that you like our work
      unfortunately we don't have its flow chart now, but good thing is its easy to make flow chart .. Word 2007 offers many good tools which makes it very easy to make flow chart...
      Best Of Luck

  7. hello i have download the your library management program .....
    but i am having a problem while compiling in code block it is giving me error "drawing operation was attempted when there was no current window " please help ???

    1. We have never encountered this error before.
      This really made me go back to my project collection and run it again.
      But as expected the program ran as the way it was suppose to.

      All I can say is try to install some other version of C++ and again try to run it. I had originally typed that code in Borland C++
      Hoping this will solve your problem
      If it still does not work, feel free to ask again
      Thx for giving us opportunity to serve you.

  8. can u provide an explanation for the working of the sudoku progam in c++ published on your website?

    1. Good Question.
      Well Sudoku is of the simplest project as well as it is having a practical application in gaming.

      Sudoku is nothing but combination of few if else statements

      In Sudoku, all we have to do is check few conditions.
      1. No number should repeat in a particular row.
      2. No number should repeat in a particular column.
      3. No number should repeat in a particular sub-matrix of three.

      That's all. all the coding done is to implement these three conditions only.

      Thank you for giving us opportunity to serve you.

      Keep Asking Questions.

  9. that file is present in BGI folder, I would suggest you to copy all files present in BGI folder and then paste them in BIN folder,
    Because in future you will encounter many program that requires one or other file from BGI folder

    Hopeing that you find it useful, and feel free to ask any thing else .
    Keep Visiting

  10. i wan to make a project on NGO'S . about their workers, associates and donators. i want to make a database. is it possible only with simple nd basic header files?
    i wish i get help jelp asap

  11. hi i need a c programming code for canteen management

    1. we are having project of canteen management for you, just follow this link:

      along with this we are having many other interesting projects at :

  12. hi i need a c programming code for canteen management

    1. we are having project of canteen management for you, just follow this link:

      along with this we are having many other interesting projects at :

  13. please tell me everything about your railway reservation program

    1. It would be a little difficult to explain you the whole project here, but fortunately the coding used is very easy and simple.
      also comments are provided everywhere necessary.

      Just give it a short and try to understand it, you will surly be able to understand it.

      If you still have any problem, we are here to help you all the time

      Best of luck
