Getting Started
Need of Programming Language, Source Code, Object code, C++ Compiler, Preprocessor, Linker, Using Turbo C++ Compiler
C++ Basics
C++ Character Set, Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers, Literals, Integer constants, Character constants, Floating constants, Strings constants, Escape Sequence, Punctuators, Operators
Data Handling
Basic data types, Variables, Input/Output (I/O), Type conversion, type casting, Constants, Structure of C++ Program, Comments
Arithmetical operators, Relational operators, Logical operators, Unary operators, Assignment operator, Compound Assignment Operators, Conditional operator
Flow Of Control
Conditional Statements, if statement, if else , nested if, switch statement, Looping statement, while loop, do-while loop, for loop, Jump Statements, goto, break, continue
Library Function
#Include Directive, Mathematical Functions, Character Functions, String Functions, Console I/O functions, General purpose standard library functions, Some More Functions
Prototyping, defining and calling a function, actual parameters and formal parameters, return type of a function, call by value, call by reference, inline function, default argument, global variable local variable
Declaration, Initialization of 1-D Array, Referring to array elements, using loop to input array from user, array as Parameter, traverse, Read, Linear Search, Binary Search, Bubble, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge
Declaration, Initializing, Reading strings, Printing strings, cin, gets(), cout, puts() counting number of characters in string, count number of words, length of string, copy contents of string, concatenate, compare string
2-D Array
read a 2-D array, display content of a 2-D array, sum of two 2-D arrays, multiply two 2-D arrays, sum of rows & sum of columns of 2-D array, sum of diagonal elements of square matrix, transpose of a 2-D array
Defining a structure, Declaring Variables of Type struct, Accessing of its data members, Initialization of structure variable,Nested structure, typedef, Enumerated data type, #define, Macros
OOP Concepts
Procedural Paradigm, Object Oriented programming, Object, Class, Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Modularity, Advantages of Object oriented programming
Classes & Objects
Classes and Objects, declaring a class, private members, protected members, public members, Example of a class
Constructor, Types of Constructor, Default Constructor, Para-meterized Constructor Copy Constructor, Constructor overloading, Destructor
Inheritance, Base Class, Derived Class, Single Inheritance, Multiple, Hierarchical, Multilevel and Hybrid Inheritance, Visibility Mode, Containership, Overriding of function in inheritance, Virtual Base Class
Data File Handling
File, Stream, Text file, Binary file, ofstream, ifstream, fstream class, Opening a file, Closing file, Input and output operation, File pointer and their manipulation
Text & Binary File
Program to write, read, display, count number of characters, words,lines in text file. In binary file write, display records, search, delete and modify a record
C++ Memory Map, Defining Pointer Variable, Pointer Arithmetics, Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and strings, Pointers to Structures, Dynamic memory, Memory Leak, Self Referential Structure
Static Stack
Stack as an Array, Defining member function PUSH() - to push data to the stack, POP() - to remove data from the stack.
Circular Queue
Array implemented circular queue containing data values, function to insert and delete data from the queue
Dynamic Stack
Defining structure of node for the linked stack, Defining member function PUSH() - to push a node to the stack which is allocated dynamically, POP() - to remove a node from the stack and release the memory.
Dynamic Queue
linked list implemented queue containing data values, function to insert and delete a number from the queue
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